What’s New

June 2024

  • added July/August Grapevine to home page and Grapevine newsletter page.
  • updated Local scholarship page and added annual report.

May 2024

  • added May/June Grapevine

March 2024

  • added flyer for SJMA presentation at Saratoga Library.
  • added link to Video on Japan

January/February 2024

  • updated home page to make it current
  • added flyers for events
  • updated Book Group database (see Book Group Page) and added current books to page.

November 2023

  • Added book lists for October and November

September/October 2023

  • posted program plans for 2023-2024 year
  • added Named Gift honoree, Arleen Pickett
  • added September IBC minutes
  • Added book group list for September

July / August 2023

  • Added book group selections for August
  • added information about the California School board project to the Public Policy page.
  • cleaned up old links on the Public Policy page.
  • photos from Tech Trek 2023 added to Tech Trek page
  • added book group selections for July
  • rearranged home page to allow for more room for current events and fresh items.  The values are on the mission page under “About” tab.

June 2023

  • added May IBC minutes to News, Interbranch Council page
  • Added pictures of Marlene and Sumi receiving commemorative clocks presented by Louise Quenon.

May 2023

  • Added highlights of Author’s lunch to Activities page
  • Added Windy Hill hike pictures to “Hikes and Walks” page

April 2023

  • Added link to Author’s lunch brochure.
  • Added Local Scholarship recipient biography.
  • uploaded video of travel program about Sable Island, by Bunny Laden

March 2023

  • Added photos of Stevens Creek to Hikes and Walks page.
  • Added Blossom Festival to home page, and removed Wildflower run.
  • Uploaded recording of George and Tamar Mednick’s Armchair Travel presentation.
  • Updated travel page program with addition of Gina Barton’s presentation on Tigers in India.

Jan/February 2023

  • March/April 2023 Grapevine posted
  • Book Group selections posted
  • Small video of hiking group trip to San Francisco (see hiking page)
  • added Dale Hill to Memorial page.

December 2022

  • January/February 2023 Grapevine posted
  • Book Group selections and picture of holiday celebration posted

November 2022

  • posted November/December Grapevine
  • Updated front page to include “Brave Little Nell” advertisement.