The Homeless committee has been officially disbanded after many, many years of service and dedication to our community and to homeless women in particular. Our Los Gatos-Saratoga AAUW branch continues to track and support efforts to reduce homelessness, especially among women. However, the homeless committee will no longer be meeting formally or holding fund-raising events and activities.
As a farewell gesture, the homeless committee is holding three “jewelry parties” for homeless ladies at the following venues:
- The Villa
- Georgia Travis House
- Family Supportive Housing
Many thanks to everyone who has supported this committee over the years.
~ The Homeless Committee
Plans for 2022
Depending on the COVID-19 virus situation, the homeless committee is anticipating a fundraiser event this spring or summer. Meanwhile, the existing funds are being used to support the agencies listed below. Stay tuned for more information on upcoming fundraiser events.
Supported Agencies
The Homeless committee supports a variety of agencies aided homeless women and children. These include the following:
- Family Supportive Housing – We provide summer camp expenses for several homeless children to attend on week of summer camp in the Santa Cruz Mountains
- Life Moves (formerly InnVision) – We provide one week of on-site summer camp expenses for homeless children at The Villa and Georgia Travis House, or as needed.
- Lifted Spirits a project of Front Door Communities of San Jose- The committee covers the cost for monthly lunches for 30-40 homeless women in downtown San Jose.
- Case de Clara – The committee helps with costs for the Mobil Shower Program for the the homeless.
- St. Luke’s Pantry – The committee contributes financial help for homeless women and girls in the Los Gatos area.
- Grateful Garments Program – Financial help with replacement clothing costs for rape victims at hospitals.
- Bill Wilson Center Maternity Program – The homeless committee provides financial support for an on-site program for homeless pregnant teens 18-24 years of age.
Dazzle and Dahlias
This program will be the primary fundraiser for the Committee on Homeless Women and Children. Pictures of the event are posted on the “Activities” page. Thanks to all who helped make this event successful!
Holiday Party for Homeless Women
In December the Members of the Committee on Homeless Women and Children hosted the annual holiday party for homeless women at the Georgia Travis Center in San Jose. A hot meal started the festivities, and then the women unwrapped their presents (4 gifts for each woman) which included such welcome items as warm hoodies, scarves and gloves. Finally the women selected jewelry from the items left after last year’s English Tea. This is a huge treat for all of the women. Thank you to everyone who donated gifts for the women, helped wrap the packages, or helped prepare and serve the dinner. Your generosity certainly “made the season bright” for these women.

Members of Homeless Committee preparing for Holiday Party
–Marlene Lamb, Committee on Homeless Women and Children
English Tea
In past years, the English Tea has been a primary fundraiser for the Homeless Women and Children as well as the local scholarship committees. There is no tea planned for 2020. Instead the Homeless Committee will host the “Dazzle and Dahlias” function. Please refer to the Dazzle and Dahlias flyer.
Here are some highlights from past teas:
2014 – A typical place setting

Yes, that is real china!
2013 – It was all about the “Hats”
… and jewelry sales
… and the Silent Auction