Book Group

December 2022 Holiday Celebration at Mary’s House


This page contains lists of books we’ve read.  Browse the list for ideas on what to read next!

Carol Fitting was recently published in the bookWomen magazine.

Did you know that for the past couple of years, we’ve had an Excel spreadsheet that can be searched?  I’m always wishing the Library would keep a list of books I’ve read, so I didn’t accidentally check out ones I’ve already devoured.  (Sadly, they are a little slow).  However, we have a list of the books that have been reviewed and the reviewers.  Just click on the button below.

AAUW Books for June, 2024  (click on link for printable version)

Note:  For past months lists, scroll to the bottom of the table for the current month and click on the link for the month you are interested in.  Going forward, I’m starting to enter all of the books into a common spreadsheet.  That way, we’ll all be able to sort (by book name, author, reviewer, or date).  The file will be stored on the google drive (but the link will be maintained below).  So, in the future, I won’t archive all the lists individually, but will simply add them to the spreadsheet.  Refer to the link below in the “Past Book Group Selections” section.  I’ll start consolidating the lists as I get time, since I think that will be more useful if you’re looking for something in the past.  ~Laurie

Title Author Reviewer Date
Medieval and Renaissance Medicine Benjamin Lee Gordon Mary 6/21/2024
The Mapmaker’s Children Sarah McCoy Judy 6/21/2024
Index, A History of the Dennis Duncan Judy 6/21/2024
Life on the Mississippi Rinker Buck Judy 6/21/2024
Three Things about Elsie Joanna Cannon Nancy 6/21/2024
The Trouble with Goats and Sheep Joanna Cannon Nancy 6/21/2024
One Way Back:  A Memoir Christine Blasey Ford Sophie 6/21/2024
James:  A Novel Percival Everett Anne 6/21/2024
Age of Revolutions:  Progress and Backlash from 1500 to the Present Fareed Zakaria Anne 6/21/2024
Stories of Hawaii Jack London Janice 6/21/2024
Encore Provence:  New Adventures in the South of France Peter Mayle Kay 6/21/2024
The Mind of a Bee Lars Chittka Margaret 6/21/2024
Your Presence is Mandatory Sasha Vasilyuk Janice D. 6/21/2024

AAUW Book Selections Spreadsheet  (Contains all selections from 2023 forward.)


Title Author Reviewer Date