Tech Trek is a week of hands-on activities in science, math, and related fields at Stanford University. The girls interact with women whom science, mathematics and computer expertise are part of their daily lives. Interested members are invited to join the committee. A printable brochure about the program is attached.
Chair: Cynthia Miller,
- Tech Trek 2023 at Sonoma State University
- Tech Trek 2019
- New Leadership for Tech Trek
- Tech Trek 2018
- 2017 Photo Highlights
- My Turn At Tech Trek – by Tech Trek Chair, Cynthia Miller
Tech Trek 2023 – Sonoma State University
For the first time in several years, we were able to sponsor girls for an in-person Tech Trek at Sonoma State. We are hoping to meet some of these girls at our General Meeting on September 9. Here are a couple of photos of Cynthia and the girls.

Cynthia and our Tech Trek girls for 2023

Clowning around (the girls were really into it!)
Tech Trek 2019
We will meet some of our 2019 Tech Trek Campers at the September Opening Meeting. They are shown here with advisors Cynthia Miller and Marlene Lamb.
New Leadership for Tech Trek
Our own Cynthia Miller and her daughter Jennifer have been selected as the new Camp Co-Directors for AAUW Tech Trek Camp Hopper at Stanford University! They have both been extensively involved in Tech Trek for some time – Jennifer was selected as a camper from Redwood Middle School representing our branch in 2010 and Cynthia has been the Los Gatos Saratoga Branch coordinator for Tech Trek for the past 3 years. Additionally, Jennifer was a Junior Counselor, then a Senior Counselor and this past season was a substitute Dorm Mom at Camp Curie, also at Stanford. Cynthia has been a Dorm Mom at Camp Hopper the past 3 years.
Tech Trek 2018
The girls from Tech Trek will be speaking at our September General Meeting. We received thank-you notes from all of the girls. Take a look and be inspired by their enthusiasm!
Photo Highlights from Tech Trek 2017
Shown below are some of the activities from Tech Trek 2017:
My Turn At Tech Trek – by Tech Trek Chair, Cynthia Miller
In the summer of 2010 my daughter, Jennifer, was the beneficiary of Los Gatos – Saratoga AAUW’s generosity with a scholarship to Tech Trek’s Camp Hopper. Jennifer came back from camp with many stories of the wonderful experience that she had and a renewed determination to continue her interest in math and science learning. Then in 2017 my turn came to go to camp as a volunteer dorm mom. And what an experience it was!
Perhaps you went to summer camp as a youngster? If so, you may remember a hard mattress, unexciting food, and too little sleep. Yes, we had all that at Camp Hopper ’17 too. And we also had about eighty middle school girls who were excited about math and science and the adventure of camp.
Each day after breakfast the girls headed to a core class in marine biology, forensics, cybersecurity, app development, or engineering design while the dorm moms and camp directors met to review logistics for the day and work through any problems. Lunch was followed by a field trip, a hands-on activity, a talk, or perhaps fountain hopping (yes, we made time for some fun!).
Then it was dinner, followed by still another activity. By the end of the week the girls had learned about astronomy, the math and software behind popular Pixar movies, personal finance, principles of building structures, career options for women, and much more.
My week at Tech Trek remindedme that middle school girls can be a lot of fun. It also gave me a strong sense of optimism about the future. These girls are smart, conscientious students who are
eager to tackle the world’s problems. In a short week, Tech Trek gives them a boost of confidence and instills an important message about following their interest in math and science, even when it gets hard and the boys seem to take over. My bet is that these girls will be more successful than we can imagine and we can be proud of having helped by sending them to Tech Trek.
–Cynthia Miller, Tech Trek Chair